Flip Class

I have implemented two different versions of a 'Flipped Classroom' or 'Flipped Learning'. This is something that as an educator, I have been researching and wanted to give it a try and see how students responded to it. I saw extremely positive results through both versions. 

What is a 'Flipped Classroom' ?

In short, a “flipped classroom” takes the traditional model of teaching where I teach and your child goes home and does homework, and flips it! It allows for students to receive a more individualized instruction where my actual face-to-face time with them is being used effectively. Because of this difference in teaching students end up learning the material at a much deeper level. In addition, it challenges students to learn how to take charge of their learning! It also provides us much more time in class to have discussions and really dig deeper into the learning through hands on, projects, and inquiry based learning!

What Does it Look Like?
So what is happening, is students are watching the instructional content videos at home for homework. They are videos that I have either found, put together, or created myself. The aspect of flipped class that I find to be the most beneficial is the fact that students have control over the rate at which they are learning because of the accessibility of the information. If a student is a fast learner, they can go through the material as quickly as they want. However, for the student who may struggle or learn at a slower speed; this student can pause the video, rewind, or view it multiple times if they need to. Students are accountable for watching these videos at home and responding to them by taking notes and answering/asking questions about the video. All reflections are completed through Google Docs and are submitted via Google Classroom at the end of the week to be graded.

When students come to class, they use the information that they learned in the video to engage in activities that require people to be together, face to face. This includes working on higher level thinking collaborative activities that put the content material to use, creating projects and presentations based on the information that they viewed in the video. Students can ask questions of the teacher and their peers/other students in class to clarify questions that they have about the video lectures.

As a teacher, I am utilizing my face to face time with the students more effectively and valuably; providing additional support of content material through whole group and small group mini lessons as well as assisting them in the instructional activities they are completing in class.


To adapt this model to my first graders, I did what I called an "in class flip" with my Reading Workshop.

This is outlined in the clip below:

Artifacts of Flipped Classroom:

Sample Student Schedule:

Modeling of Flipped Video Lesson Reflection:

In class students were emerged in Project Based Learning outlined below:

Example of Student Collaborative Doc:

Example of Student Analyzing Poetry Project:

Example of Student Original Poetry Project: